LOFIM organized a workshop in city of Zintan


LOFIM organized a workshop in city of Zintan

Libyan Organization For Independent Media (LOFIM) organized a workshop titled “ The basic of professional media and its role in combating disinformation and hate speech” on 06-07 March 2019 at AnnokbaTraining Centre in city of Zintan ” 140 Km south west of tripoli “from 09:00 am till 04:00 pm.

The program was attended by 14 participants, 6 of them are media university students from Alrojban University, and others are journalists who came from Zintan, Alrojban, Alrahaibat, cities in Western mountain as well as Alkofra city.

The aim of the training was to equip the participants, who came from different background ,ideology and ethnic groups” Arabs , Tabu and Touareg” ,with tools of professional media that promotes peace, democracy and human rights and to avoid unprofessional media that incites hatred, discrimination and fueling war and conflict.

The workshop discussed also fake news and disinformation that have been spread via social media and other traditional media to add tools of instability that the country is already suffering from.


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