LOFIM organized a workshop on Media code of conduct for elections integrity in city of Nalut


LOFIM , in cooperation with the General Authority for Monitoring Media Content and the Nalut Municipal Council, organized in Thursday 28 December 2023 a training workshop in city of Nalut, on the professional Media code of conduct integrity of elections.
The workshop targeted a number of journalists, Nalut radio broadcasters, and employees of media offices in the municipal service sectors.
The workshop, presented by trainer Walid Al-Bakoush, aims to enhance journalists’ skills, introduce them to the principles of Code Professional Media Code of Conduct, and encourage them to practice professional ethics for fair coverage of the upcoming elections.
The workshop also included interactive dialogue discussions on the importance of achieving balance and objectivity in media coverage of the elections, and the exchange of experiences and practical experiences among the participating journalists.
The participants praised the role of the Libyan Organization for Independent Media LOFIM and the General Authority for Monitoring Media Content GAMMC in training journalists about professional ethics, and providing opportunities to enhance the professional skills of journalists and media workers, expressing their readiness to apply the principles and rules contained in the Code of Professional Media Conduct while practicing media work and following the principles. Important during media coverage of elections.




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