Application for Libyan Youth Media and Digital Literacy Program during Elections  


 The program of youth media and digital literacy in the context of elections, which is implemented by the “Libyan Organization for Independent Media, (LOFIM) aims to strengthen the media and digital capacities of young people in Libya to adequately verify, investigate and debunk online hate speech and disinformation, especially related to elections, through trainings and awareness-raising s training Guide,

Criteria for selecting participants:

The Youth Media and Digital Literacy Program is a dynamic opportunity for young people in Libya to learn how to distinguish between professional media and information containing hate speech or disinformation (HSD).

Three workshops will be organized in the southern region, the eastern region, and the western region

The following are the criteria for selecting young men and women to participate:

  1. The applicant should be within the age group 14-25
  2. The applicant should have a clear interest in the topics and activities of digital media and social media platforms
  3. The applicant should demonstrate a commitment to all program activities, which will include participation in the workshop
  4. The applicant should show high professionalism during the implementation of the training sessions
  5. The applicant should abide by the precautionary measures to confront the Covid-19 epidemic by social distancing and wearing a mask during training sessions
  6. The applicant should provide written consent from parent if they are under 18 years old
  7. The applicant should fill out the online application form


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